Monday, July 2, 2007

I've been bollywoodised!!! - Dance Mela

ई'वे बीन बोल्ल्य्वूदिसेद (थिस हिंदी ट्रांस्लातोर रोच्क्स!!!)

Dance Mela - Indian hindi movie music dance game? Who da?

So I get this invitation in my mail the other day..
At first I had no clue, looked like an invite to a nightclub or dance show..

Well, apparently, it was about a game. An online hindi movie dancing bollywood game.

Yeh, what the..?

So anyway, I checked it out. How couldn't I, the invite was all shiny and had this pretty girl on it..

First off - I'm not much of a hindi movie or bollywood songs and dance fan.
Second - I play a lot of MMOGs (that's Massively multiplayer online games, like Warcraft, EQ and the sort)

I click on the link, set the game to download, and install it next morning.

And it looked interesting.

To the guys who made it - Nice Installation backgrounds.. especially the hindi film poster effect

I logged into the game, Registered (this part was thoughtful, registration in the game), and got in.

Ha.. to teach you the game, they have a "Dance Class" or something... which is thought by a character in a Sherwani and a turban.. haha.. straight out of a bollwood wedding.

The game looks pretty cool. It's basically an Indian, bollywood/hindi movie music type of DDR (you know, in the arcades). Only this is played on the Keyboard, which is quite easy to get the hang off.

Screenshots of the game - to break the text up.

Alright, so, I got into a dance room, walked around, met some people. Then asked someone how the game work - btw.. the characters all looked different, eventually found out there's a shop in-game where you can buy clothes for your character. As currency, you use MP, points you win for playing well.

So the games easy, and if you keep hitting the keys right, in time with the beat, and the indicator, your character dances in the room with other characters.
If you stop, if stops.. or something to that effect.

The people in the game were interesting. Most of them were from India, and liked bollywood stuff more than I did, I didn't even recognize most of the songs I danced to. But it was cool... Been making some friends. Good people, sweet and helpful.

So, it looks like I've found myself a new place to be online... A nice shiny new MMOG, and it's Indian, and it's Bollywood.

Chalo, I'm off..

Another admission btw - I danced to Mithun's "Disco dancer".
If my school friends could see me now..

Bye bye.


t-HYPE said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

And considering how much I love DDR and filmi songs, I think you just made my day...

Beth Loves Bollywood said...

Yeah, I'm with t-hype! I think I see some Dance Mela in our future when we finally do a blogger meetup!

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