Saturday, May 26, 2007


Devil woman..
Stay away from me.

Spent all morning reading Naruto manga. The internets be very good to me.
First it was hotwire, or something... the file sharing network which was then taken over by this other client.
Totally underground, not many knew about it. It was a single client driven system that connected to thousands of underground servers. The servers could then control access, upload/download ratios, swap lists etc. You'd use the client to look for trackers (servers that tracked hosting server) and displayed information about the hoster, like what type of stuff did it keep, access, ratios etc.
It was great. Much more reliable content than Napster (back then) and Kazaa, similar to bittorrent. Server master kept track of their content, so you really couldn't put up fake or low quality files. And if you wanted something specific, you could always put it up on a servers request board.

Kline I think it was called... not sure though. But good old days... .. that's when I rediscovered Anime.
And now I've moved into Manga, the comic books that most Anime's are based on.

Now the first Manga series I read was Bleach. After getting bored waiting for the 115 episode to air and watching 10 episodes of fillers, I figure I'd just get my fill by reading up the Manga. So I started from the beginning and read all 250 manga in one go. Ok, more like a week... but yeh, ll 250.

So now I find myself waiting for the next Bleach manga 276, or the next episode, 127.
What to do then? Start a new series. Naruto!

32 down, 300 to go.


Sunday, May 20, 2007

Crank, rattle and roll

Shake that rust off..

There... rub, crunch... clutter..
Shake that rust off...

lets give this a shot in ernest, shall we?

How good am I really? It's time to stop speculating. Sharpen the ol' stakes.

Smell the air, sense it.. Yes I see you smell it too.

The hunt begins tonight my love... Ride out.

Thursday, May 17, 2007


Life in Sinfest

To Begin.. The Temple of Poon

1.) Awwww.... Cute
2.) Art

3.)Wasabi... triumphant

Vera Wang.. hahahaha

4) Taking it like a Man.

I really want to listen to you, I do

5) Women...

For more -


Just Sinfest, May 17th 2007.

I don't know when I'll start blogging. Though I can't lie, this feels good. It's like an addiction.
This little bit of typing, I'm taking a hit.

Just one hit please, and no more. Remember my friend, I've quit.

Quit quoting myself. Pretending to be wiser than my years.

Hell, I don't think I succeeded at that either. Haha, I guess it's got more in common with hitting the hashpipe than I realised.
You always think you're brilliant, you sound smarter than you are. The Philosopher king.

Here I go again..
Just one hit, just one puff.. just one line.

Wasted prose and pretentious rhyme.

Riding the hashpipe again..
Good bye...

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